Daehwa Kim

I am a third-year PhD student at HCI Institute in Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Chris Harrison in the Future Interfaces Group. My research explores the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Sensing, and Robotics. I am interested in sensing solutions that enhance the embodiment of our computing devices by understanding user context, environment, and pose. I presented papers at prestigious computer science conferences such as ACM CHI and UIST and received two Best Paper Honorable Mention awards at CHI.

Formerly, I graduate from KAIST School of Computing, advised by Geehyuk Lee at KAIST HCIL. I interned at Apple AIML Robotics (with Mario Srouji and Jian Zhang) and Meta Reality Labs (with Eric Whitmire).


• Feb 21: PatternTrack is accepted to CHI. Also check baby ver. of this work.

• Jan 5: I am serving UIST'25 as a Student Volunteer co-chair. Welcome to Busan! 🌊🇰🇷🏙️

• Jan 1: Started new year with family. Back to Korea after years :)

• Dec 2: My Apple internship project ARMOR is now online.

• Oct 31: Check out one of our Apple AIML Robotics internship projects about in-context learning.

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Daehwa Kim, Robert Xiao, Chris Harrison

PatternTrack: Multi-Device Tracking Using Infrared, Structured-Light Projections from Built-in LiDAR

CHI 2025: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (To Appear)

Daehwa Kim, Mario Srouji, Chen Chen, Jian Zhang

ARMOR: Egocentric Perception for Humanoid Robot Collision Avoidance and Motion Planning

arXiv preprint. 2024. (under review for RA-L)

Peide Huang, Yuhan Hu, Nataliya Nechyporenko, Daehwa Kim, Walter Talbott, Jian Zhang

EMOTION: Expressive Motion Sequence Generation for Humanoid Robots with In-Context Learning

arXiv preprint. 2024. (under review for RA-L)

Andy Kong, Daehwa Kim, Chris Harrison

Power-over-Skin: On-Body Devices Powered Using Intra-Body RF Energy

UIST 2024: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

Daehwa Kim, Eric Whitmire, Roger Boldu, Wolf Kienzle, Hrvoje Benko

SoundScroll: Robust Finger Slide Detection Using Friction Sound and Wrist-Worn Microphones

UbiComp/ISWC 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers.

Daehwa Kim, Vimal Mollyn, Chris Harrison

WorldPoint: Finger Pointing as a Rapid and Natural Trigger for In-the-Wild Mobile Interactions

ISS 2023: ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces.

Daehwa Kim, Chris Harrison

Pantœnna: Mouth Pose Estimation for VR/AR Headsets Using Low-Profile Antenna and Impedance Characteristic Sensing

UIST 2023: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

Hui-Shyong Yeo, Erwin Wu, Daehwa Kim, Juyoung Lee, Hyung-il Kim, Seo Young Oh, Luna Takagi, Woontack Woo, Hideki Koike, Aaron J Quigley

OmniSense: Exploring Novel Input Sensing and Interaction Techniques on Mobile Device with Omni-Directional Camera

CHI 2023: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Daehwa Kim, Chris Harrison

EtherPose: Continuous Hand Pose Tracking with Wrist-Worn Antenna Impedance Characteristic Sensing

UIST 2022: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

Craig Shultz, Daehwa Kim, Karan Ahuja, Chris Harrison

TriboTouch: Micro-Patterned Surfaces for Low Latency Touchscreens

CHI 2022: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Honorable Mention Award (Top 5%)

Daehwa Kim, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

AtaTouch: Robust Finger Pinch Detection for a VR Controller Using RF Return Loss

CHI 2021: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Honorable Mention Award (Top 5%)

Daehwa Kim, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

OddEyeCam: A Sensing Technique for Body-Centric Peephole Interaction Using WFoV RGB and NFoV Depth Cameras

UIST 2020: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

Keunwoo Park, Daehwa Kim, Seongkook Heo, Geehyuk Lee

MagTouch: Robust Finger Identification for a Smartwatch Using a Magnet Ring and a Built-in Magnetometer

CHI 2020: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


Mar 2022

Honorable Mention Award (top 5%), ACM CHI 2022

Paper Title: "TriboTouch: Micro-Patterned Surfaces for Low Latency Touchscreens"

Mar 2021

Honorable Mention Award (top 5%), ACM CHI 2021

Paper Title: "AtaTouch: Robust Finger Pinch Detection for a VR Controller Using RF Return Loss"

Feb 2021

Outstanding M.S. Thesis Award, KAIST School of Computing

Thesis Title: "OddEyeCam: A Sensing Technique for Body-Centric Peephole Interaction Using WFoV RGB and NFoV Depth Cameras"


The Plant "Melody": An interactive metal instrument

MIG/TIG Welding (2023)

Device Localization with Projection (Comp. Photography Final Project)

DotLidar (2022)

Creating 3D scanner with shadow (Computational Photography)

Shadow 3D scanner (2022)

AudioHero: Sound-Based Danger Detection System Using VGGish Deep Learning Network

AudioHero (2019)

VRone: 3-Dimensional Force Feedback in VR Using a Personal and Commercial Drone

VRone (2018)

SmartHome Project: IoT Light Platform

System Light @ ETRI (2018)

VibCat : Vibration Categorization for Input & Interaction

VibCat (2017)

Finger Joystick Interaction Using Capacitive Touchscreen

Finger Joystick Interaction (2017)

Yoon Dong-Ju

잠詩(poem a moment) (2017)

Tashkent University of Information Technologies Lecture

TUIT Android Lecture (2016)

Bill split optimization algorithm and system

Mr.Bill (2016)

Calendar App Finding Common Available Time Slots

aYa Calendar (2016)


My age 22 - Travel to Europe with a Drone (2018)

Town Where Engineers Live (2015)

Designed by Daehwa